Lying on the back, arms stretched out on the floor level with the shoulders, and legs kept straight and vertical (Photo 130). With the subsequent exhalation, turn the spine, lowering the legs diagonally towards the first side and slightly towards the line of the arms. Hold the feet in the air, approximately at the height of the feet above the first arm, and simultaneously turning the head to the second side, change the position to «Djathara Parivrtanasana» (Photo 131). Inhaling, follow a reversed trajectory to return the legs and the head to the initial position (Photo 130). With the subsequent exhalation, repeat the same turn to «Djathara Parivrtanasana» to the opposite side (Photo 132). Then, with an inhalation, return the legs and the head to the initial position (Photo 130), etc.
Practicing this Vinyasa, it is neccesary fix the shoulders and avoid taking them off the floor.