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«Standing in push-up position with arms and legs straight»

«Standing in push-up position with arms and legs straight» «Standing in push-up position on four limbs with arms straight and legs bent»

Standing on straight legs in a transverse pass (Photo 115). The feet are placed at a distance equal to the length of the leg, forming an even-sided triangle with the floor. The arms are stretched to the sides, level with the shoulders. Practicing this Vinyasa, it is neccesary try to fix the pelvis in a transverse plane, without turning it. Exhaling, use the inertia of the arms to turn the shoulders, arms and head to the first side around a vertical axis (Photo 116). Inhaling, return to the initial position (Photo 115). With the subsequent exhalation, make exactly the same turn to the other side (Photo 117) and, with an inhalation, return to the initial position again (Photo 115), etc.

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