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Position of the Form in the dimensional space

Asanas The system of expanding and balancing the Arsenal of forms
Psychic-energy Mandala Position of the Form in the dimensional space
Vinyasas Multilevel Vinyasas Algorithm
Hierarchy of Vinyasas

When one of the bodily forms is set, its disposition in the dimensional space may be different depending on which of the different elements of the body serve as the supported ones, and this will lead to different energy-related results.

The Body of the One is an endless conglomeration of universal ties, which are closed including each human being. And any living being has the mechanism of ties to the Body of the One (for example, through electromagnetic, gravitational and torsion interactions).

So the ties with the most ancient and unchanging kinds of energies provide vital important processes and remain unchangeable for millions of years. And in comparison with the life of a human being, and mankind as a whole, are almost constant.

One such constant on the Earth is the tension of the gravitational field. The main basic subconscious mechanisms are oriented towards the force of gravitation. For example, our sleep cycle, blood circulation, vestibule apparatus, sexual activity, intestinal peristalsis, etc.

Are standing and sitting positions in the human life equal? Can you fall asleep while standing? Not really. And this vertical position allows for an awakened state of mind. And what happens if one lies down without any purpose? This position requires no work of the muscles to balance the body, the body gradually relaxes and the consciousness falls asleep. This is one of the reasons why eating before you go to sleep, or reading while lying down, are harmful.

Cycles of the Earth around the Sun, and of the Moon around the Earth, determine high and low tides of the oceans, and the life rhythms of all beings dwelling on the planet. But the base of planetary organization is the Field, which defines the Universal Order. And the forces of gravitation are simply a tangible manifestation of the interaction of celestial bodies.

So, the dimensional system includes six main positions for each form and a variety of intermediary positions between them, which correspond to the result of influence of these or those of the main ones.

The main group includes the following positions: head up (1) and head down (4), abdomen up (2) and abdomen down (6), on the one side (3) and on the other side (5) (Figure 3).


Positions on one side and on the other are different, because of the asymmetrical disposition of the internal organs in the human body.

The forms that involve deep hyper-mobility, where the body takes a ring shape become combined, because they create powerful reactions in the nervous system, change circulation and blood pressure, and have gravitational affects on different parts of the body in different ways.

If the position of the straight line of the spine and the head in the dimensional space are basically conditional upon the potential rest planes of the straight body: forward, backward, upper, lower and sideways, and then the deformation of the spine is completed and circular forms in the back bends or forward bends, the possible positions of the body in the dimensional space are chiefly determined by the planes of the rigid elements of the body.


For example, in the ring-shape form with back bend in Pandagustha Dhanurasana (Fig. 4a) or with a forward bend in the «Lotus» in Yoga Mudra (Fig. 46) the body rests on five slanting planes on which it may be supported stabley. It is also possible to use different types of resting on the hands, legs and head, which created additional positions. As was mentioned earlier, in each different position there is a different effect from the Earth’s gravitational field on the psychic-energy structure. And different forms, positioned in various ways, determine relevant changes in torsion fields. Therefore, similar forms of the body with different foundations have principal differences in terms of their effect, and have different names in the Tradition of Yoga. Besides the back bend in Fig. 4a, where is rest on the abdomen in Pandagustha Dhanurasana, a similar bend, when is rest on the upper part of the chest, neck, and chin is Ganda Bherundasana (Fig. 4в); where is rest on the forearms is Chakra Bandhasana (Fig. 4г); also similar bend, when is rest on the feet is Triang Mukhottanasana (Fig. 4e), or when is rest on the knees and feet is Kapotanasana (Fig. 4f); and resting on the thighs, knees and toes is also another posture, which is not met in classical literature (Fig. 4g). The forward bend as presented in Figure 46, resting on the thighs, which exists in Yoga Mudra, a similar bend, where is rest on the forearms and the head bears the name of Pindasana in Sirsasana (Fig. 4h); resting on the shoulders is Pindasana in Sarvangasana (Fig. 4i); resting on the back is Pindasana in Savasana (Fig. 4j); resting on the buttocks is Pindasana (Fig. 4k); and with resting on the hands (arms) is Urdhva Kukkutasana (Fig. 4l).


Table 2 (p. 46 — 47) gives other samples of base forms which are wide-spread in the practice of Yoga, and which correspond to the four complexity levels in different dimensional positions.

Although at first glance, it appears the «main exercises» given in Table 1 will develop all types of mobility. From the point of view of the psychic-energy effect, this first impression is absolutely unjustified, since these practices result in the reduction of psychic-energy capacity, perception range and the diversity of the practice as an art.

It is also worth noting that in order to facilitate the understanding of the exercises presented in Tables 1 and 2, the pictures show not only individual parts of the body, which receive the main influence, but the entire body. This may give the impression that these exercises are devised to exert influence on some secondary elements of the body. To avoid this mistake and have the correct understanding of which of the elements is the main one on a particular drawing, please follow the additional short descriptions of the forms depicted in Tables 1 and 2, which are contained in relevant appendices to these tables (see p. 35 — 38, 46 — 47). In order to facilitate the understanding on some of the drawings, the main influence zones are circled.

The body forms presented in Tables 1 and 2 are not exhaustive and have particular «synonyms», i. e., other forms requiring the same mobility level in the «sectors» under question, but positioned in different ways in the dimensional space or having other positions of auxiliary elements (e.g., foundations). Therefore, the forms presented in Tables 1 and 2 are just the most typical, and are sufficient to understand the principle of differentiation of the main mobility directions and complexity levels of positions.

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